SkyPath, Your Ride Quality Partner

Guiding you in Navigating Turbulence. Utilizing SkyPath’s OneLayer - smart, consolidated ride quality layer, PIREP reports, and AI-powered turbulence Nowcast.

Free trial | Exceptional Support | Zero Integration

App screenshot

Turbulence is the most common airline accident type today and it’s time we reduce turbulence-related injuries .

NTSB Chairman (2021) Bruce Landsberg

How it works

Efficient Maintenance

Improvements all across the board

Optimize Safety, Maintenance, Fuel Consumption and Your Budget

Improved Safety

Improved Safety

Providing pilots with early notifications about imminent turbulence grants them the ability to make informed decisions and take timely actions, ensuring the safety of everyone on board.

Efficient Maintenance

Efficient Maintenance

With turbulence accurately measured, maintenance can validate precise turbulence records and determine necessary actions, effectively eliminating redundant inspections.

Fuel Savings

Fuel Savings

Skypath allows pilots to safely navigate rapidly emerging turbulence situations, offering potential cost savings through efficient dispatch routing, informed contingency fuel decisions, and minimized in-flight altitude adjustments.

Optimized Budget

Optimized Budget

Anticipate a significant boost to your bottom line. Experience savings across insurance claims, maintenance, and fuel expenditures.

Annual recorded turbulence reports
> 9 billion
Annual pilot notifications.
16 million

SkyPath is an ecosystem

As an app, web, or integrated to other common platforms via REST APIs and SDK


SkyPath for


web screen

Elevate pilot capabilities with up-to-the-minute ride quality data, granting the power to navigate flights with informed confidence.


SkyPath for


route planing

Improve route planning capabilities and streamline route monitoring with our dedicated dispatchers' web platform.


SkyPath for


SkyPath analytics

Use SkyPath analytics and debrief capabilities to gain insights out of turbulence events, airline usage and the most turbulent routes.

Cabin Crew

SkyPath for

Cabin Crew

web screen

Enhance crew safety and operational efficiency with SkyPath’s cabin crew app. Inform crew in real time of upcoming turbulence with discreet notifications.

Zero integration efforts

Just download the app and start flying: