From the blog

Writing about turbulence prevention and the SkyPath eco system.

 LARA news - Off the charts

LARA news - Off the charts

Electronic flight bags have become standard in the commercial airliner cockpit over the past decade, with the technology on a continuous path of development. More is to come with the ongoing expansion of applications and increasing connectivity, as Emma Kelly discovers.

 LARA news - Off the charts

Anat Miretzky


Name of article bla bla 2

Name of article bla bla 2

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Name of article bla bla 2

Anat Miretzky


Turbulence & Fuel Burn - Case Study

Turbulence & Fuel Burn - Case Study

Read this interesting case study on how real-time, accurate turbulence data helps you save fuel.

Turbulence & Fuel Burn - Case Study

Oran Hampel

Founder, B787/777 Captain and Check Airman